Saturday 17 October 2015



The best thing about living in Terengganu would be the beaches we have here..

Subhanallah, praise to The Almighty Allah~

Here are some pics I'd captured and will never get enough of all of these.

The famous dish at least once tried when you're in Terengganu ---> ICT (ikang celup tepung)...and my former boss got confuse with ICT in Shah Alam:P

Good weather after light raining just before this.

The best thing about having this panoramic shot button on your phone!!!

My curious niece was asking what's the wavy water?
We call it ombak:)

Curiosity in kids is a blessing  and I enjoy entertain their questions about everything which we also wonder how smart they are and how it is quite challenging each time to answer it with a proper way to make them understand.   

This is the best panoramic shot I got for today:D waves~

Alongside the beach not even a straight line.

Kalau takut di lambung ombak, jangan berumah di tepian pantai...even my nieces do not have enough courage to touch the beach water:) What all of us need is GUT and that is what I will help them to find it. Be a survivor.

...and you too. Good luck.


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