Tuesday 17 May 2016

super mommy


Consider sharing a few words about my pregnancy phase at this moment; third trimester.

Anas (as we plan for his name to be:) really active inside mommy's tummy and usually caused mommy sleepless night:P

Mommy have to find right position just to make you comfy inside:p and the weather really hot this year. Daddy planning on setting up air conditioner for us end of this month; in shaa Allah we ll pray a lot for daddy to have enough money for us:) He works hard everyday and doing a small online business to occupy his interest in sports as he s currently stop with all outdoor sports since.

thanks to nenek and atok for giving us their unused sofa:D I would say almost a complete home sweet home for three of us. hopefully we ll get to buy the house:) Let s pray together.

energetic mommy to be.      

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