Saturday 13 January 2018

2018 please be nice to me
depress? I'm not sure
just try to survive all these once at a time
some times I do pray for bad things to happen to the person that I thought a bad person
but somehow I am not sure if the person really a bad person or not
and I am sorry for that
but I would like to emphasize on being good all the time
at least most of your time please be kind
please be good
to everybody
to anybody
Thank you for listening
Thank you. 

Monday 23 October 2017

Finally-not but better
There were issues
Some were properly addressed and some were not
but one thing for sure
as human
we do make mistakes
we do have conflicts
we do have issues
we do have weaknesses
are we correct all the time?
others are all bad?
others always not good enough?
kindly reflects on myself
and I hope everybody should also take it easy
and try to listen more than talk more
in the end
what we really hope is
happily ever after
with His willing.

Sunday 22 October 2017

The saddest day I've had since the day I came in to this place
The worst part is when you've been accused for something beyond your control
neither you know it
and it just happened. 

Monday 16 January 2017


Malas aka kurang rajin. Hari ni!!
try to do things here and there with a b it slow than yesterday
I'm not sure how you guys handle your malas day.
for me, let a lone apply for a leave:P (which I had none anymore), come to the office, dp something instead of everything, give yourself a time to relax...I would say nowadays everybody seems to feel stressed a lot easier and get sick with it.
papepun, semua orang ada kelemahan dan juga kekuatan masing2.
it's time to survive and get rid all the negativity aside
find your own way and do it your way.
good luck!

Sunday 6 November 2016

bad guys

bad guys bad thoughts bad intention what ever bad things do bother me a lot lately
I wonder how they go to sleep at night when they'd just say harsh words to someone else
I wonder so many things about how bad guys always get what ever they want
and the worse part is even though I tried not to think about it, it bothers me a lot which I put them as BAD GUYS

hopefully I'm not that BAD~